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Li Y, Kalo D, Zeron Y, Roth Z. 2014. Progressive motility - a potential predictive parameter for semen fertilization capacity in bovines. Zygote;24(1):70-82.


Friedman E, Voet H, Reznikov D, Wolfenson D, Roth Z. 2014. Hormonal treatment before and after artificial insemination differentially improves fertility in subpopulations of dairy cows during the summer and autumn. J Dairy Sci;97(12):7465-75.


Furman O, Leitner G, Roth Z, Lavon Y, Jacoby S, Wolfenson D. 2014. Experimental model of toxin-induced subclinical mastitis and its effect on disruption of follicular function in cows. Theriogenology;82(8):1165-72.


Wolfenson D, Roth Z, Lavon Y, and Leitner G. 2014. Effects of mastitis on ovarian function and fertility in dairy cows. In: Juengel, J.L., Miyamoto, A., Reynolds, L.P., Smith, M.F., and Webb, R., eds., Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VIII. Context Publishing, Packington Leicestershire, pp 431-443.


Roth Z. 2014. Effects of heat stress on ovarian functions and embryonic development. In: Juengel, J.L., Miyamoto, A., Reynolds, L.P., Smith, M.F., and Webb, R., eds., Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VIII. Context Publishing, Packington Leicestershire, pp 193-208 (Invited review).


Roth Z. 2014. Insights into the cellular and molecular responses of bovine oocytes and embryos to elevated temperature. Proceeding for the 30th scientific meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE) Dresden, Germany (Invited review).


Asaf S, Leitner G, Furman O, Lavon Y, Kalo D, Wolfenson D, Roth Z. 2013. Effects of Escherichia coli- and Staphylococcus aureus-induced mastitis in lactating cows on oocyte developmental competence.Reproduction;147(1):33-43.


Roth Z, Dvir A, Kalo D, Lavon Y, Krifucks O, Wolfenson D, Leitner G. 2013. Naturally occurring mastitis disrupts developmental competence of bovine oocytes. J Dairy Sci;96(10):6499-505.  


Argov-Argaman N, Mahgrefthe K, Zeron Y, Roth Z. 2013. Variation in lipid profiles within semen compartments--the bovine model of aging.Theriogenology;80(7):712-21.


Argov-Argaman N, Mahgrefthe K, Zeron Y, Roth Z. 2013. Season-induced variation in lipid composition is associated with semen quality in Holstein bullsReproduction;29;145(5):479-89.


Qi Meiyu, Zvi Roth, and Liu Di. 2012. Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) in Reproduction System of Female Bovine. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, China (English Edition) Vol. 18 4:84-87 (Mini review).


Zvi Roth.  2012. Hormonal treatments to improve fertility in high lactating cows during the summer and autumn-basic and applied studies XVI Curso Novos Enfoques Producao e Reproducao de Bovinas (Mini review).


Gendelman M, Roth Z. 2012. Incorporation of coenzyme Q10 into bovine oocytes improves mitochondrial features and alleviates the effects of summer thermal stress on developmental competence. Biol Reprod;87(5):118.


Grossman D, Kalo D, Gendelman M, Roth Z. 2012. Effect of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on in vitro developmental competence of bovine oocytes. Cell Biol Toxicol;28(6):383-96.


Gendelman M, Roth Z. 2012. In vivo vs. in vitro models for studying the effects of elevated temperature on the GV-stage oocyte, subsequent developmental competence and gene expression. Anim Reprod Sci;134(3-4):125-34.


Friedman E, Roth Z, Voet H, Lavon Y, Wolfenson D. 2012. Progesterone supplementation postinsemination improves fertility of cooled dairy cows during the summer. J Dairy Sci;95(6):3092-9.


Roth Z, Biran D, Lavon Y, Dafni I, Yakobi S, Braw-Tal R. 2012. Endocrine milieu and developmental dynamics of ovarian cysts and persistent follicles in postpartum dairy cows. J Dairy Sci;95(4):1729-37.


Orgal S, Zeron Y, Elior N, Biran D, Friedman E, Druker S, Roth Z. 2012. Season-induced changes in bovine sperm motility following a freeze-thaw procedure. J Reprod Dev;58(2):212-8.


Gendelman M, Roth Z. 2012. Seasonal effect on germinal vesicle-stage bovine oocytes is further expressed by alterations in transcript levels in the developing embryos associated with reduced developmental competence. Biol Reprod;86(1):1-9.


Kalo D, Roth Z. 2011. Involvement of the sphingolipid ceramide in heat-shock-induced apoptosis of bovine oocytes. Reprod Fertil Dev;23(7):876-88.


Friedman E, Voet H, Reznikov D, Dagoni I, Roth Z. 2011. Induction of successive follicular waves by gonadotropin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F(2α) to improve fertility of high-producing cows during the summer and autumn. J Dairy Sci;94(5):2393-402.


Nebel RL, Jones CM and Roth Z. 2011. “Reproduction, events and management: Mating management: Detection of oestrus”. Fuquay JW, fox PF and McSweeney PLH (eds.) Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Second Edition, vol. 4, pp. 461-466. San Diego: Academic Press.


Friedman E, Glick G, Lavon Y, Roth Z. 2010. Effects of low-dose follicle-stimulating hormone administration on follicular dynamics and preovulatory follicle characteristics in dairy cows during the summer. Domest Anim Endocrinol;39(2):106-15.


Gendelman M, Aroyo A, Yavin S, Roth Z. 2010. Seasonal effects on gene expression, cleavage timing, and developmental competence of bovine preimplantation embryosReproduction;140(1):73-82.



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