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Roth Z and Hansen PJ. 2004. Sphingosine-1-Phosphate protects cultured bovine oocytes from physiologically-relevant thermal stress. Biology of Reproduction, 71, 2072-2078. 


Roth Z and Hansen PJ. 2004. Involvement of apoptosis in heat-induced disruption of competence of bovine oocyte. Biology of Reproduction, 71, 1898-1906. 


Roth Z, Bor A, Braw-Tal R and Wolfenson D. 2004. Carry-over effect of summer thermal stress on characteristics of the preovulatory follicle of lactating cows. Journal of Thermal Biology, 29, 681-685. 


Wolfenson D, Inbar G, Roth Z, Kaim M, Bloch A and Braw-Tal R. 2004. Follicular dynamic and concentrations of steroids and gonadotropins in lactating cows and nulliparous heifers. Theriogenology, 15, 1042-1055. 


Roth Z, Arav A, Bor A, Zeron Y, Braw-Tal R and Wolfenson D. 2002Effect of treatment with FSH or bST on the quality of oocytes aspirated in the autumn from previously heat-stressed cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 85, 1398-1405. 


Roth Z, Arav A, Bor A, Zeron Y, Braw-Tal R and Wolfenson D. 2001. Improvement of quality of oocyte collected in the autumn by enhanced removal of impaired follicles from previously heat-stressed cows. Reproduction, 122, 737-744. 


Roth Z, Meidan R, Braw-Tal R, Shaham-Albalancy A and Wolfenson D. 2001. Delayed effect of heat stress on steroidogenesis in bovine medium-size and preovulatory follicles. Reproduction, 121, 745-751.


Levy N, Kobayashi S, Roth Z, Wolfenson D, Miyamoto A and Meidan R. 2000. Administration of prostaglandin F2α during the early bovine luteal phase dose not alter the expression of ET-1 and its type A receptor: A possible cause for corpus luteum refractoriness. Biology of Reproduction, 63, 377-382. 


Roth Z, Meidan R, Braw-Tal R and Wolfenson D. 2000. Immediate and delayed effects of heat stress on follicular development and its association with plasma FSH and inhibin concentration in cows. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 120, 83-90. 


Wolfenson D, Roth Z and Meidan R. 2000. Impaired reproduction in heat-stressed cattle: basic and applied aspects. Animal Reproduction Science 60-61, 535-547.

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